Important Information

Sometimes it's a bit obvious


Dont forget

We recommend to bring official IDs and everything you need for your safe and pleasant stay. For meditation – don't forget your cushion and a blanket to sit on; personal hygiene items, comfortable and light clothes for the beach – don't forget your swimsuit!-, light jacket for the night, sandals, hat or cap, sunscreen, mosquito repellent, lamp, phone charger and all your well-labeled medications.

To help the environment, we invite you to bring a thermos with a lid for drinks, this will also help avoid liquids spills in the gompa and you will keep cold -or hot- your drinks for longer.

We also recommend you to always have some Mexican pesos with you. Certain establishments offer less money at the exchange rate.

Travel Insurance

It is essential to have a valid and current medical expenses insurance in Mexico for the registration to the course. If you come from abroad, take out your travel insurance, if you are Mexican do not forget your health carnet and Social Security Number.

If your major medical insurance provider is not valid in Mexico, health treatment and medication should be at your expense.


Of course we will have internet! It will be available in some areas of the venue at no extra cost. The capacity of it will be affected by being so many friends connected, so we can not ensure a stable speed or connection, so we recommend using it only for email or some necessary messages. Locally, you have a cell phone network of the companies AT&T, Telcel and Movistar; ask your Mobile operator if it has any agreement with these telephone companies, otherwise and to avoid roaming expenses, we suggest you to buy a cell phone chip from a local operator and hire a data plan. You can find sales centers in shopping malls and supermarkets, there´s not sales point at the airport.

Medical Service

There will be medical service on site, only first aid and emergency medical care will be offered.

In a situation of non-urgent diseases or injuries, it will be necessary to go to the city of Tulum with a specialist. In case the medical insurance does not cover any extra expenses, it will have to be paid personally.

Cash and credit cards accepted

On site we have no ATM and the nearest one is about 20 minutes away by car. Bring with you enough cash. Although we will be accepting foreign currency (US dollars and euros), it would help us a lot if you preferably pay with Mexican pesos. The only bank cards we will accept will be VISA, MasterCard and American Express.

Exchange Rate during the course

Dollar to Mexican Peso: TBD closer to the event date

Euro to Mexican Peso: TBD closer to the event date