Different Buddhist Schools
Buddha gave instructions for three different types of people. Those who wanted to avoid suffering received the instructions about cause and effect called the Small Way (skt. Hinayana). Those who wanted to do more for others were given the teachings on wisdom and compassion called the Great Way (skt. Mahayana). Where people had strong confidence in their own and others' Buddha nature, Buddha taught the Diamond Way (skt. Vajrayana). Here, he manifested as forms of energy and light or directly transmitted his enlightened view as a flow of awareness. On this highest level, the aim is the complete development of mind, the spontaneous effortlessness of the Great Seal (skt. Mahamudra).
The Diamond Way offers the modern world "effective methods that lead to a direct experience of mind," as explained by Lopon Tsechu Rinpoche, one of the most experienced teachers of Tibetan Buddhism. One learns to experience the world from a rich and self-liberating viewpoint. Diamond Way meditations develop a deep inner richness and lead to a non-artificial and unwavering mind where every enlightened activity can unfold.

Diamond Way Buddhist Centers
Among many Buddhist centers of various lineages active in the West, there are more than 600 lay Diamond Way Buddhist centers of the Karma Kagyu Lineage which have been started by Lama Ole Nydahl. These groups have a democratic structure and function through unpaid, voluntary work on the basis of idealism and friendship. The members share the responsibility for guiding meditations, answering questions and passing on the teachings.
The Diamond Way opens the most skillful methods of the Buddha to the modern world. Using them one learns to experience the world from a rich and self-liberating viewpoint. Its meditations develop a deep inner richness and lead to non-fabrication and an unwavering mind. They help us to discover and finally unfold all our enlightened qualities for the benefit of all beings as well as ourselves.